Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Big News!

Hooray! I've got IT!! The in my hands. Well - actually on my computer. But that's good enough for a draft version. I'm super excited because I'll be reviewing it with my attorney and hopefully it will be signed by all parties within the next few days. It's 38 pages!! Wow! - and I thought we had a fairly simple thing going here... It appears to be only slightly less complicated than the paperwork for buying a house... at least it appears I'll only have to sign once (unlike the 50,000 signatures required for the home purchase). I can't wait to review it with my attorney and get this part done and squared away. Starting the process of cycling with the egg donor isn't very far away at all...

Also, the intended parents are here for the week! We'll finally get to meet in person this weekend. I'm very excited but also nervous to meet the people I've been longing to help for years. (even though I didn't know it was them until recently)

Stay tuned...

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